Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Missing: 5.4 million workers

Millions of Americans vanished from the U.S. labor force in the past three years, many of them do discouraged by long, fruitless job searches that thy have given up looking for work, convinced that no employer wants them.

The “hidden unemployed” are not counted in the official jobless rate, tracked by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. They estimate the number to be 5.4 million people, with over 120,000 in Massachusetts. Half of the missing workers are under the age of 35.

Among the missing are teenagers and laid off 60-year-olds. Some are in college or training programs. Many have ended up homeless. Although the official unemployment rate slipped to 8.3% in January, when the labor force dropouts and the underemployed – those working part-time because they can’t find full-time jobs – are included, the rate doubles to 17%.

Katie Johnston, The Boston Globe, February 1, 2012

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