Friday, April 22, 2011

LinkedIn discussion

Austin P. – UMass Boston Alumni 

Better said than what I wrote but right on the money. I don't know that home ownership necessarily provides security though it can certainly provide a (sometimes false) sense of security. Are any of us secure? Ask the people who invested with Madoff, or sunk there retirement money in the stock market. Once you get past subsistence, having a skill that enables you to earn a living doing something you feel is important, enjoyable....could be described as achieving a sense of security or comfort with oneself. And there's nothing wrong with owning a home or anything else for that matter. One might consider need vs. prefer, and the true or complete cost both personal and for the world at large. Funny, I've never considered basic heath care a material thing, obviously it is. And I'm all for universal health coverage, soc sec, decent public schools, living wage and the like. I'm thinking as I type, probably not the best thing to do.

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