Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Survey of the well-educated

In early 2010, data was not available that provided the facts on when the recession ended. We still believed we were in the middle of the Great Recession in May 2010 when I designed a survey for well-educated, well-paid individuals and their views of the American Dream. Highly educated, professional individuals in over 40 LinkedIn groups were asked to participate in the survey to answer the following questions:

-         What is happening to the American Dream?
-         What is today’s definition of the American Dream?
-         How are different generations reacting and responding to the American Dream?
-         How will this Great Global Recession impact the future of the American Dream?
-         How are professionals in the mid-to-upper class responding to the American Dream?
-         How will we view careers, retirement, professional development post Recession?

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