Sunday, July 29, 2012

More Comments on Question 2

Only when there is genuine MIDDLE CLASS recovery in the US.  That requires educational innovation, infrastructure improvement, renovation of our productive economy. US is still the largest economy in the world and there can be no global recovery until we fundamentally restructure our economy.

I have my doubts that it will end, but, if it does, I don't believe things will be tough in the U.S. and probably in other countries, such as many in Europe.  I believe that other countries like South Africa, India, and China will have their day.  The U.S. will not longer be an economic power; perhaps, it no longer is one now.

When governments finally realize there need to be strict bank reforms, enact them and fair lending practices resume.

I answered in question number ended in 2009. That does not mean that I believe we can all get back to being heavily in debt and sucked into mortgages and car payments that we cannot afford. Nor do I believe that we will start earning more money.

While the recession did end technically in 2009, the reality for millions is that the recession is still with us.

Having just read an ad for subprime mortgages in a local minority newspaper, it's sad to say that we may have not seen the end of many dips in the coming years.  Additionally, if we continue to restrict immigration and refuse to fund education adequately, we'll face global competition like we've never seen before.

Maybe it will end by late 2011, but the jobs outlook is still bleak and until that improves and the credit markets rebound I do not think we can say we are out of the woods despite revisionist Government proclamations.

It will never be as it was 6 years ago in regards to making a living. Housing will never be as lopsided as it some ways it was a very good thing, in other ways horrible. I believe we have been more of a depression. I need to alter my reality to survive. I am not sure of when it will end. Hopefully within 5 yrs.

Once the private sector starts to expand to create jobs, less corruption in both public and private sector enough for an agreement can be met in our political parties for our economy issues to be dealt with

I'm not sure it will ever 'end' -- life will just be different and we'll learn to live more cautiously.

I guess it depends on who is defining recession. While it may have ended in some way, the economy certainly still lags – flattened and plateaued. Another year till it feels different, longer perhaps.

Will not end until the Fed and its fraudulent currency are replaced with gold and/or silver backed currency.

Question 2 comments

It will end for some countries, not for others, unless some governments do an overhaul of their economic processes and systems.  Those countries that subscribe to a "Yertle the Turtle" economic infrastructure (e.g., the USA) will only survive if they have enough muscle to protect the status quo.

Sometime in 2011 when companies start to hire again for growth.  Presently they are hording cash and not investing for the future.

I believe the first wave of the Global Recession probably ended in 2009, but reports have shown that there may be a second wave coming in the spring of 2011. I'm not sure when I think that wave will end.

I don't know what technically defines "recession", but with the number of people out of work across the country, and related stresses on the middle class, it surely does not feel over to me.

When real unemployment is under 15%

Not until jobs have started to return in numbers beyond just the status quo.

Business models are changing radically as it moves more and more into the common person's reach. It may take a while... but then, everything is moving so quickly now. Dec. 2012, maybe?

When the majority of displaced workers return to full time work with benefits, at a salary/wages w/in 12% of their last earnings.

Question 2

It's now the middle of 2012. Do you believe the recession is ended?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Question 1 Graph

Question 1

American Dream 2010
Do you believe the Global Recession ended in 2009?
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
answered question
skipped question

Survey Response Rate

The survey closed in March 2011 with 176 responses. 

LinkedIn Groups

The LinkedIn Groups were notified during November 24-December 20, 2010. The groups were:

-         Adidas Group Alumni & Employee Network
-         AMA – American Marketing Association
-         Babson College Coaching for Leadership & Teamwork Coaches
-         Babson College Community
-         Babson MBA Alumni
-         Boston Area Babson Alumni
-         Boston Business Journal
-         Boston Marketing Group
-         Bridgestar
-         Cause Communications
-         Cause Marketing Forum
-         Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Network
-         Development Communications
-         Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association
-         DMA Nonprofit Federation
-         eMarketing Association Network
-         Higher Education Public Relations and Marketing Group
-         International Fund for Animal Welfare
-         Marketing Executives Group
-         Marketing Executives Networking Group
-         Massachusetts Nonprofit Network
-         MPNBoston
-         NEDMA – New England Direct Marketing Association
-         Non Profit Network – MojaLink
-         Non Profit Professionals
-         Non-Profit Marketing
-         Nonprofit Message – Communications & Marketing
-         On Fundraising, Hosted by AFP
-         Online Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations
-         PRSA Boston
-         Reebok International
-         Reebok, Rockport, GNC alumni
-         Serono Alumni
-         Social Media for Higher Education
-         Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations
-         The Chronicle of Philanthropy
-         The Publicity Club of New England
-         Tim’s Strategy – Ideas For Job Search, Career, And Life
-         University of Massachusetts at Boston Alumni
-         Women In Development

Survey of the well-educated

Similar to the earlier survey, I updated the questions and distributed it to LinkedIn groups hoping to reach well-educated, well-paid individuals and obtain their views of the American Dream. Highly educated, professional individuals in over 40 LinkedIn groups were asked to participate in the survey and answer the following questions:

-         Do you believe the Global Recession has ended?
-         Has the Global Recession changed your belief in the American Dream?
-         What is today’s definition of the American Dream?
-         What is your attitude toward the financial and unemployment crisis and the American Dream?
-         Is the American Dream out of reach for you?
-         Will your children achieve the American Dream?
-         Were you impacted financially by the Great Recession?
-         Were you unemployed during the economic crisis?