Friday, June 8, 2012

Recession is over – survey redo!

The American Dream crumbles during the Great Recession

The Great Recession officially ended June 2009.

The second survey was conducted in late 2010. Still there were no jobs. Job postings did not start to increase until 2011. The financial and housing markets experienced slow growth. Unemployment remained very high.

Even now, in 2012, many people still disagree that the Great Recession is over. Especially if you are a “missing” worker or working several part-time jobs to make ends meet.

Greece and Europe are in turmoil. The 99% Occupy movement is in full swing. The 1% continues to get richer. And we’re in an election year with political propaganda. The U.S. Government’s deficit remains a significant threat and our partisan leaders struggle to solve it.

Gas prices are predicted to go even higher. How much is your weekly gas bill? How much is your grocery bill these days?

The parallels to the Great Depression are only too apparent. I think we’ll need one more survey before I close my American Dream. What questions do you think I should ask?

Is America still the land of opportunity? Is the American Dream still real? Is the American Dream attainable for our children?

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