Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What’s happening to the American Dream?

“I don’t have an American Dream anymore. This is survival. I hope to wake up and this nightmare is over. It’s difficult to find basic balance anymore, let alone figure out what to go after—be a consultant or look for a job.”

The future is about innovation. It’s not about how hard you work. There is a culture change with education. America is not maximizing education.

Families are going to be living together again. More people will be walking due to the price of gas; mom & pop stores will come back. There’s no room for bulk goods. Buying bulk makes you spend more in the moment when you have limited cash flow. The younger generations want to live in the cities than in suburbia.

People think you have a disease when you aren’t working. Those who were not impacted by downsizing due to the Great Recession are too involved with working to help others. They don’t really get it since they haven’t experienced a layoff themselves.

“I’m never going to put a job first again. In the past, my family and relationships suffered from being focused on my job and career. Now, I won’t let that happen again.”

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