Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What do the survey results mean?

Why do immigrants keep coming to America? Why do zealots hate America? Is it wealth, escapism, class systems, war and politics? I believe it is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and the Opportunity to work hard and live a better life.

Belief in the American Dream and the definition of the American Dream changed long before the Great Recession. Is the American Dream money-driven or internally-driven? It is the opportunity to be prosperous, to own a home and spend money on material things.

I love to spend money. Travel requires money. I live in my own private Paradise by the ocean and near a beautiful harbor. Does that mean I achieved the American Dream? Or did I already have it? My parents worked hard to buy a house and provide for our family. We had vacations in the summer, food on the table and the money to attend college.

For me, freedom in America means the ability to choose, and to have opportunities. It is the right to buy a McMansion if I can afford it and to create a home that supports social and political consciousness if that is closer to my beliefs. It is the right to say what I want whenever I want, especially now with social media!


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