Monday, January 24, 2011

Slow jobs growth continued in December

Current news:
The Boston Globe – Saturday, January 8, 2011
Title: “Slow jobs growth continued in Dec.,” Christopher S. Rugaber, Associated Press

The U.S. economy is slowly adding jobs, barely enough to keep up with the growth of the workforce. Over the past three months, the economy added an average of 128,000 jobs per month. Employers added 1.1 million jobs in 2010, or about 94,000 per month. The nation still has 7.2 million fewer jobs than in did in December 2007, when the recession began.

Some economists predict the nation will create twice as many jobs this year as it did last year. Even if hiring picks up, the damage from the recession will take years to undo. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke told a Senate panel it could take five more years for the unemployment rare to return to a normal level of 6 percent.

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