Friday, December 17, 2010

On November 1, 2009, Michael J. Berland and Douglas E. Schoen wrote an article for PARADE titled “How the Economic Crisis Changed Us.” A new PARADE survey showed how dramatically American’s goals, hopes, spending habits, relationship, and attitudes toward institutions were transformed by the recession. This prompted the authors to question “Is the American Dream Still Alive?”

Their research demonstrated that the recession has shaken many Americans’ fundamental belief about the U.S. and their own prospects for economic mobility. Some facts:
-         79% have personally felt the recession’s impact
-         42% delayed or canceled their vacations
-         27% persued extra work to make money
-         52% believe if you “work hard and play by the rules” you can have a solid middle-class life
-         87% are worried about the future of America
-         70% don’t think the leaders of America had dealt well with the economy

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